I remind people how to think, sense, and interpret through the physical body. In 1:1 training and group workshops, I invite movement to release stress, untangle knotty problems, and ask how engaging with our embodied experience helps us think more creatively.


Becoming Resilient

This 5-week course asks, how can we physicalise our questions? These sessions are designed to help you rediscover an internal creative resource - your perceptive body - while increasing resilience against burnout in the work place.

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Feldenkrais Lessons

FI (Functional Integration) & ATM (Awareness Through Movement) are 1:1 & group modes in The Feldenkrais Method, encouraging stability & flexibility. When we feel stuck, this gentle movement practice reminds us we have options.

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Movement & Mark-making

In this workshop we break down drawing to explore which movements make which marks. My ongoing research into movement and mark-making evolved from Laban’s movement theory, offering a structured way to understand drawing.

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Artist and Educator

We humans are kinetic learners and many of us do our best thinking when moving. I have directly experienced how my creative ideas evolve and improve through physical exploration.


“I’ve never done anything like that before. It’s made me realise how much I’m missing by just sitting here thinking things through. I need to get up more - shout, move, go up and down the bounce scale a few times.”

— Sam Smith, founder Waylands Yard


Get Unstuck

I work with creative thinkers, problem solvers, designers, strategists, and facilitators, among others, to investigate their ideas through physical exploration. It’s exciting to see people responding to their embodied wisdom with such joy.